domingo, agosto 27, 2006

Have you

ever told to a girl "I'll call you later"? Have you ever heard that? How do you feel when you receive no call at all? How do you feel during that couple of weeks that you spend waiting and wondering if you should call him back? How do you feel when you decide to start again trying to think that it's ok because you both didn't go so far from the begining? How do you feel when months later you hear his name in a casual party and you try not to pay atention because you are beyond all that, and suddenly somebody say "Gosh, he's as younger as us, but he is already dead"? How do you feell when you realize he died the very same night that he left you in front of your door with a tender kiss? How do you feel?

Shocking, isn't?

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

miserable, no doubt...